Samford Pool
A beautiful 25m salt water pool open to the public for swim fitness, and the home of Little Big Swim’s Stroke Development and Squad Programs.
A little bit about our programs
School Aged Stroke Development
From Emerging Swimmers who are just starting to put it together to end stage stroke development, we learn water safety, all four strokes, and the upper groups learn dives and turns.
30 minute lessons
$25 for one lesson per week
$45 for two lessons per week
Development Squad
The jump from Stroke Development to Squad is a big one and needs to be well supported. Development Squad is where our swimmers learn the skills and build the speed and endurance to enjoy the squad environment when they get there.
Learn how to read the pace clock and how to follow a whiteboard program, how to share lanes with other swimmers, race pace for all strokes, dives, turns, starts and finishers. This program sets them up for success at squad
45 minute lessons
$25 for one lesson per week
$45 for two lessons per week
We run three different Squads – Adult Squad, Competitive Squad (up to 18 years) and Social Squad.
Understanding why each athlete swims is the key to building a successful swim team. So many swimmers leave the sport because their coaches do not have a deep understanding of why they are in the water.
Through goal setting, and regular check ins we work to understand a swimmer’s motivations. Once a swimmer LOVES training, that’s when the seeds of grit, and tenacity can begin to bloom.
60 minute programs
$25 for one session per week
$45 for two sessions per week
$60 unlimited sessions per week, including S&C dry land training
Competitive Squad
As the name suggests, this squad is for swimmers who are keen to push their swimming limits. Not ALL swimmers who train hard will want to compete, but this squad is definitely for those swimmers who want to squeeze every last breath out of their training.
Train in all four strokes across multiple race disciplines, dives, starts, turns and finishers.
Learn about training cycles, periodisation training around competitions.
Social Squad
Swimming often loses athletes because their motivations to swim are vastly different to a competitive swimmers. When they swim in the same squad, social swimmers can feel demotivated if they don’t engage with competition and don’t love the intensity.
To be honest, the programming for social squad and competitive squad isn’t very different, the intensity and how we communicate is what changes.
Social swimmers deserve every effort in technical and physical development that we give our competitive swimmers. They just need to receive that message in different ways.
Adult Squad
Understanding why an adult athlete trains in the water is important when developing an appropriate program. We balance the needs of a competitive adult swimmer with the swimmer who is in the water for fitness and dare I say… fun? Programming includes race pace, endurance, technical training and all four strokes.
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